Buying used camera lens can be an excellent way to add functionality to your photographic arsenal without having to pay full price. However, there are a few things to look out for when purchasing a used lens that will help you ensure that you’re getting a good deal and that the lens works as intended.
Many people focus on checking a lens for fungus and dust, but it is also important to examine the entire lens for any other problems that may exist. A small amount of dust or a few light scratches are cosmetic issues that can be easily repaired, but any signs of fungus should be a deal breaker as it is a living organism that can spread to other lenses and cameras, as well as potentially being dangerous for your health.중고카메라
In general, it is best to purchase a used lens in person if possible so that you can inspect the lens thoroughly and test it out with your camera body. If the seller is uncomfortable with you mounting their lens on your camera and testing it, it could be a sign that they are trying to hide something.
If you are buying a used lens from an individual who you are meeting in person, it is always a good idea to ask why they are selling the lens. The answer (or lack thereof) can be very illuminating and can help you decide whether to make the sale or not.

In addition to examining the lens for signs of fungus and dust, it’s a good idea to examine the filter threads and any other mechanical parts of the lens. In particular, it’s worth examining the screw and rubber pieces that hold the lens together for any marks or damage that might indicate disassembly or repair in the past.중고카메라렌즈
It’s also a good idea to look at the contact points on the back of the lens, which are what allow electronic information to pass from the camera to the lens. Ideally, these should be shiny and in the same condition as when the lens was new, and if they are damaged or dirty it could mean that the lens is no longer working properly.
Generally speaking, it’s better to buy a used lens from a local camera store than from a private seller, as the larger stores will be more likely to have 알리기프트reasonable return and warranty policies in case of any defects. That being said, however, the biggest savings are often found on eBay and in online classifieds such as Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace.