Hairline Correction For Overly High Foreheads
A high hairline can take the focus away from other facial features. This can be a significant source of embarrassment for many people and can negatively impact their self-esteem. If you are one of the many people who struggle with this, it may be time to look into solutions like hairline correction.헤어라인교정병원사이트
Male pattern baldness is the most common cause of a high forehead or hairline, but there are also other factors at play. In particular, the chin and jawline are crucial in creating harmony with the upper, middle, and lower thirds of the face. When these areas are too far apart, the face can appear imbalanced and disproportionate. Luckily, modern hair transplant techniques are capable of correcting this problem.
Hairline lowering (also known as forehead reduction) is an effective treatment for both men and women who have an overly-high hairline or large forehead. This procedure involves moving the scalp forward and removing a portion of the forehead skin, which effectively lowers the hairline and vertex. This technique can be performed by both FUT and FUE methods, though the latter is a newer and more advanced technology that leaves no linear scar on the back of the head.
The ideal hairline for a man or woman should be between 5 and 6.5 centimeters above the glabella, or the area that sits directly above the eyebrows. Anything higher can make the face look disproportionate and out of balance. Hairline lowering can help to create this more natural line by moving the scalp and removing excess forehead skin, resulting in an improved, more balanced appearance from the frontal and oblique views of the face.
Whether it is caused by a barber error, a dodgy DIY job, or a genetic predisposition, a messed up hairline can have serious consequences. It can not only make the face look older than it is, but it can also change the overall shape of the head and face. It is therefore important to choose the right procedure for your specific needs, and this will require a thorough consultation with an experienced surgeon.
While the best course of action in most cases is to wait and let nature take its course, if you want to speed up the process, you can try using a caffeine shampoo that promotes faster regrowth and helps to stimulate existing hair follicles. It is also a good idea to keep your hair short, which can hide a crooked or misaligned hairline while it regenerates.
If you are unable to wait for your hairline to naturally reset itself, or if you have had prior hair grafting that resulted in an unnatural-looking low, flat hairline, you may be a candidate for hairline lowering surgery. However, this should be assessed on a case-by-case basis, especially for young patients with the potential for aggressive hair loss and limited donor, and for people who have very thin or low density.
Another option for a permanent solution to a messed up hairline is a scalp micropigmentation procedure. This is a safe and effective way of reshaping the hairline, which can be carried out at the same time as other cosmetic procedures, such as a temple reconstruction or occipital reduction.모우다의원